To Be Young In America: Growing Up With the Country 1776-1940

Title: To Be Young in America: Growing up with the Country, 1776-1940
Author: Shelia Cole
Primary Audience/age group: Ages 10+ (See Recommendation)
Genre: Non-Fiction
# Of pages: 135
Publisher: Little Brown & Co.
Year of Release: 2005
Part of a Series? No
Rating: 5 (View Scale)Description: From Inside Cover:
While most American History books discuss presidential elections, the fight over slavery, or the settlement of the West, they are silent about young peoples lives. They do not discuss what it was like to be fifteen years old and fighting the British in 1776, or a young slave growing up on a plantation. Nor do they say much about when children became sick in the era before modern medicine, what it was like to learn in a one-room school house, and how much of a childs daily life involved hard labor-whether at home, on a far, or in a factory. Yet throughout history, children have been working, playing, making friends, flirting, fighting, taking care of themselves, and becoming the next generation of adults.Review: Whether they are working, playing, sick, or in trouble, Cole captures and illustrates the kids and teens of the 18th, 19th, and 20th century. By including dozens of photographs and neat side facts, To Be Young in America teaches history like it should be: fun, interesting, and inspiring enough to pass it on.

Rating: 5, for a positive outlook on life and history

Spiritual Elements: None

Violence: None

Language: None

Sexual Content: None

Other: Just so youll know, there is an old photo (pg. 89 Chap. 6) of some naked boys (dont worry, only their backsides are shown) jumping into a river.

Recommendation: When I was younger (say about ten or so), I loved reading books about children in the old days. I read many fictional books about children in various eras, but could never find any non-fiction books about them. During a recent trip to the Book Mobile, I finally found what I had been looking for. This book was definitely worth the wait.
Although this book is for any age, children ages 10 or older would be an appropriate age to start. Children and teens should have at least a basic knowledge of the Revolutionary War, Civil War, The Immigration Era, and the Great Depression.
This book would be great for a research paper.
I recommend To Be Young in America: Growing up with the Country, 1776-1940 in so many ways. The author not only provides information for todays young people, but lets them take a peak into the past.

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